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January & February Workshops

Fallow Deer processing sessions 5 and 6

deep dive into hides, tanning, buckskin, etc.

Mayne Island - 2 available dates:

Feb 18 and 25 (booking both or either date is possible)

The deer workshops are ongoing, and there are so many aspects to learn that each session builds on and reviews the process while adding the next steps. Each session moves you forward in the process while still reviewing the basics. If a deer comes in, in the morning, David will process it with the group. The classes are done in such a way that you can hop into any of them and as many of them as you’d like. Depending on who is there, David can focus on what the participants need more instruction on in that session. The deer and the hides are in various stages of processing at any given time, so people get a chance to practice under guidance rather than just watch.

2-day elk hide on cedar drum-making workshop

Burnaby (Saturday & Sunday, 9 am - 4 pm)

February 24-25


Rattle-making Workshop

Mayne Island - Saturday, Feb 17, 10-4 (Parents with kids welcome)

What happens with the rest of the deer, elk, moose, or buffalo parts? We use all parts of the animals for various ceremonial applications (some of which can't be shared). This class is a good opportunity to get acquainted with crafting rattles, which are made from hides, hooves, beads, bone, and wood, using forms and traditional fastening methods. You will have time to make several and even paint them if you'd like.

2.5-day elk hide on cedar drum-making workshop

Mayne Island (Friday evening, Saturday all day, Sunday morning if needed.)

January 19, 6 pm - 10 pm; January 20, 10 am - 4 pm; January 21, 9 am - noon.

If you want to buy gift cards:

If you want to pay for any workshop via e-transfer, send it to David Fierro at and mention in the message the date and location(s) of the workshop(s) you’re paying for.


If you would like to pay in installments using Klarna, please email for a direct link, and please mention the date and location(s) of the workshop you wish to attend.

Traditional Elk-hide on Cedar, Drum-Making Workshop

Option 1:

Is a 2-day all-inclusive workshop that can accommodate up to 10 students. $350/person.


Participants will learn how to create a full drum and tom-tom from raw materials. Before every workshop, David hand-builds the drum rounds using red cedar and prepares the elk hides in the traditional manner. Bear grease that he has rendered will be used to finish the drums.


David emphasizes the importance of traditional art forms in our economy, ecology, and relationship with the land. He also shares his knowledge of traditional hunting practices, hide tanning, and the respectful processing of animals (such as eagles and bears) used in sacred ceremonies. David shares this wisdom through his workshops, encouraging meaningful discussions.


Drums are ancient tools for grounding and connecting with higher frequencies. They help individuals unlock a deeper spiritual and emotional connection to themselves and others. The vibrations they produce bring peace and presence to the mind.


View more drums in the Gallery Section.


Option 2: Same as above, except includes acrylic painting instruction.$400/person


Team Building Workshops

Option 3:

Corporate events and team building that focus on how to:

  • Leverage Traditional Knowledge to provide guidance for conflict resolution through an indigenous lens.

  • Implement strategies for a balanced approach of traditional activities and modern techniques, supporting health and wellness for long-term healthier outcomes and sustainability models for FN and Métis communities.

  • Collaborate with traditional and elected leaders, industry and grassroots individuals to address contemporary issues while considering historical knowledge.


Specific Service Offerings:

Offer guidance to the top management team to help them make informed and effective decisions.

  • Develop health programs based on sustainable practices 

  • Project Management for green-tech initiatives

  • Traditional Knowledge training


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